Haiku Master Basho

Matsuo Basho is the Japanese saint of Haiku. Of samurai heritage, he lived in the 17th century and had an enormous following. His complete works, consisting of 1011 haiku, have recently been collected and translated by Jane Reichhold and can be found in Basho The Complete Haiku (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2008).

It is my humble intention to also write 1011 haiku, one each day. I began in August 2009 and by my estimation, should finish in May 2012. Traditionally haiku was concerned with nature, but today our "nature" has changed. New technology has replaced the winds of nature as the force in our times. What was a rock is now a computer key. What was a cherry blossom is now a world wide web of information. What was light, is now the speed of light. Haiku is about finding an essence, thus these writings will seek to find the essence of our lives today.

A note for the reader: an important aspect of haiku is that the reader can put as much of herself/himself into the piece as the writer. If a haiku is good it will become your meaning not mine. Wish me luck! When the project is complete, if only one of the 1011 haiku approaches the skill and mastery of Basho, I will be satisfied.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nu Haiku 76

The sound of paper
after it is filled with ink
makes fingers happy.

Nu Haiku 75

The sound of paper
after it is filled with ink-
autumn leaves dancing.

Nu Haiku 74

It is long, the wait
in eternity, as all
particles regroup.

Nu Haiku 73

Dirt hole, absolute,
decompose, transform, transmute.
Unknowns of space-time.

Nu Haiku 72

The honor of death,
the going out, extended
entry full-finished.

Nu Haiku 71

Shadow, dissolves in
bright light, breath done, disappears
forever from place.

Nu Haiku 70

Ochre ribbons cross
the sky, black highway below
leads way to city.

Nu Haiku 69

Carbon dating tests,
thermoluminescence tests,
spectography tests.

Nu Haiku 68

Sphinx cat purrs, starving
himself to death. He doesn't
know life ends. Here now.

Nu Haiku 67

Rain falls, water runs,
road becomes asphalt river,
car rims smash new lakes.

Nu Haiku 66

Shadow, siamese cat,
are you becoming just that,
disappearing dark?

Nu Haiku 65

Annapurna. Walk
through the valley of silence.
Find the mountain's heart.

Nu Haiku 64

Diabetic cat.
Joins the insulin club. Purrs,
not knowing jabs wait.

Nu Haiku 63

Sick America.
Profit trumps humanity.
Autumn leaves die.

Nu Haiku 62

TwItter, Facebook, You
Tube, banned in China, social
networks. Subversive.

Nu Haiku 61

Shoot the moon? When will
grown men stop playing with their
rocks? Dark side rising.

Nu Haiku 60

Basho, haiku saint,
one thousand eleven poems.
Only beginning.

Nu Haiku 59

Limbs bend next to limbs
remembering each other.
Yoga. School of fish.

Nu Haiku 58

Family pretzels twist.
Contortions for love, endless.
Black swan lifts off pond.

Nu Haiku 57

Taxi driver. Plays
classical music. Watches
sunrises on cable.*

*channel 767

Nu Haiku 56

Tweet tweet tweet. Women
with old gnarled hands watch birds. Crows,
cardinals, bluejays.

Nu Haiku 55

"...a man, if he be
a man, is not defeated."
W. C. W.* Man up.

* William Carlos Williams

Nu Haiku 54

Sogoe media
center semibold font. Red
ink dries. Calling card.

Nu Haiku 53

Titanium post.
Jaw, bone, needle, drill, hole, push.
Japanese garden.

Nu Haiku 52

Tsunami, earthquake.
Planetary muscles flex.
Running wolves catch meat.

Nu Haiku 51

Tires burn asphalt. Night.
Parkway, rear car lights surround.
Mountain ash berries.

Nu Haiku 50

Sorting frenzy, hang
photos, clean out files, move chairs.
Material gods.

Nu Haiku 49

Anosmic, no smell,
no rose, no honey, no bread
baking, yeast rising.

Nu Haiku 48

Poet process, how
does it work, words and winding?
Grass trails downstream.

Nu Haiku 47

Afternoon silence.
TV murmurs. Disasters,
film stars, crime, crash. News?

Nu Haiku 46

Summer's late this year.
Leaves fall, the red flower blooms.
Seasons meet, shake hands.

Nu Haiku 45

Green shirts-earth, blue shirts
sea, tck tck tck, we become
the human countdown.

Nu Haiku 44

Junk mail, catalogues, flyers.
Sucking paper swamp.

Nu Haiku 43

Forgotten passwords.
No W W
dot, keys locked, just stop.

Nu Haiku 42

Hamster washes his
body after human touch.
Tiny paws whisk fur.

Nu Haiku 41

Res-Pect Aretha!
voice like a boom-box in a
crystal cave. Soaring.

Nu Haiku 40

"The Age Of Stupid"
showing Sept 21, 7:30,
cinema near you.

Nu Haiku 39

Green earth, who fixes
you when sun burns through clouds,our
wanton people gone?

Nu Haiku 38

Rain on underside
of shrub branches shimmers in
beam of car headlights.

Nu Haiku 37

Joe Junior's diner,
coffee, oj, eggs, spinach, check.
Sun up Manhattan.

Nu Haiku 36

Spaghetti, meatballs
feed mouths tIred of lean streets.
Sleep with full bellies.

Nu Haiku 35

Mortgages chew, tear.
Houses spit out bending grass.
Stupidly sorry.

Nu Haiku 34

Goodnight America. Now
street lights are dimming.

Nu Haiku 33

Traffic, rain, wind, mist.
Angry humans rub by each
other. Passing cars.

Nu Haiku 32

Lawn sunk with rain ruts,
small canyons of gaping green.
Drowning in liquid.

Nu Haiku 31

Independence. Fear
runs with anger, pushes you
forward. Growing up.

Nu Haiku 30

Home sweet home bed waits.
Cool sheets, cicada song, nights
of late summer come.

Nu Haiku 29

"My eyes are turning
to tears." Old woman saying
good-bye. Daughter leaves.

Nu Haiku 28

Yellow rose painting,
blue vase, oils, frame, perfection.
Junk store garbage find.

Nu Haiku 27

Back of vintage shop
green lace dress, lost thirty years,
says hello again.

Nu Haiku 26

Intrepid races
down highway number one and
I follow. Brother.

Nu Haiku 25

Polyester blouse,
green like grass, kneaded by old
woman's hands dying.

Nu Haiku 24

Curled fingers rest on
thighs. Wheelchair silence, gaze on floor.
Visitors speak SLOW.

Nu Haiku 23

High mountain storm breaks.
Double width rainbow times two.
River fills, birds fly.

Nu Haiku 22

Forest fire haze,
makes water and hills dissolve.
Old vines, gnarled fingers.

Nu Haiku 21

Heat's breath across lake.
Vines curl, grapes grow, dust swirls. Sky.
Glass of wine. Night falls.

Nu Haiku 20

Orange and green zinnias,
sit curled like armadillos.
Ancient beauty lives.

Nu Haiku 19

Yoda dog singing,
bent ears, pink tongue, brown eyes beg,
and borrow this love.

Nu Haiku 18

Dot com, dot gone, wrong,
dot song, still here, not going
anywhere. Enter.

Nu Haiku 17

Horns honking, sirens,
jack hammers, people calling.
City zen, now.

Nu Haiku 16

Black beetle on back.
Feet wave in air for leaf rope.
Dinosaur struggle.

Nu Haiku 15

Heart racing, rushing,
pick up this, get out door. Where?
Movement outside, in.

Nu Haiku 14

Plane grounded, smile dropped.
Big black bully clouds roll in.
Thunder trumps travel.

Nu Haiku 13

Pile drivers, builders,
lawn mowers, trucks, leaf blowers.
Suburban zen. NOW.

Nu Haiku 12

Grasslands dead, sand in
sheep's belly, herders weeping.
Sun flares. Earth turns brown.

Nu Haiku 11

Baked figs forgotten.
Picked, wrapped, shipped, bought, cooked, tossed out.
Green fruit can be lost.

Nu Haiku 10

Heat. Homeless men. Cots.
Rikers Island white sheet sleep.
'Gimme shelter'-Stones.

Nu Haiku 9

Dark water, deep dive.
Effervescence lifts head up.
Breaking surface. Smile.

Nu Haiku 8

Between the send and
receive, where's the space out there?
Sing on mountain top.

Nu Haiku 7

Espresso coffee.
Light foam does not separate.
Night calls day outside.

Nu Haiku 6

Deleted page turns.
Words will never write themselves.
Only water flows.

Nu Haiku 5

Haiku poet counts.
Finger tips touch, tap out sound.
White paper crane flies.

Nu Haiku 4

Forget memory.
Memory forgets itself.
December branch smiles.

Nu Haiku 3

Lemon juice in cup.
Yellow. Leave sourness in.
Front door is open.

Nu Haiku 2

Two birds colliding.
Feathers falling without grace.
Tomorrow is now.

Nu Haiku 1

Sound bites, sound going,
we are here, rapt. Virtual.
Water, soil, sky, spent.

What is Nu Haiku?

What is Haiku? Haiku is a traditional Japanese poetry form that was used as far back as the 15th century.
Haiku deals with the abstract and the metaphysical, rather than the particular.

Traditional haiku follows a strict pattern of seventeen syllables spread over three lines in a 5-7-5 pattern.

What is Nu?

The female aspect of Nu in Egyptian mythology is represented by a snake called Nunet. Nu net. New Net. New Haiku on the Internet.

Nu is an Egyptian reference to a primordial watery place that is the chaos before the cosmic order was formed.

Nu is the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet.

Nu is also an internet countrycode top-level domain popular in the Nordic countries.