Haiku Master Basho

Matsuo Basho is the Japanese saint of Haiku. Of samurai heritage, he lived in the 17th century and had an enormous following. His complete works, consisting of 1011 haiku, have recently been collected and translated by Jane Reichhold and can be found in Basho The Complete Haiku (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2008).

It is my humble intention to also write 1011 haiku, one each day. I began in August 2009 and by my estimation, should finish in May 2012. Traditionally haiku was concerned with nature, but today our "nature" has changed. New technology has replaced the winds of nature as the force in our times. What was a rock is now a computer key. What was a cherry blossom is now a world wide web of information. What was light, is now the speed of light. Haiku is about finding an essence, thus these writings will seek to find the essence of our lives today.

A note for the reader: an important aspect of haiku is that the reader can put as much of herself/himself into the piece as the writer. If a haiku is good it will become your meaning not mine. Wish me luck! When the project is complete, if only one of the 1011 haiku approaches the skill and mastery of Basho, I will be satisfied.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nu Haiku 300

Basho, greeting death,
with fingers still counting out
haiku syllables.

Nu Haiku 299

Twitter says, "Something
is technically wrong. Thanks for
noticing..." Dot love.

Nu Haiku 298

Ocean teacher says
our enemy is our best
instructor in life.

Nu Haiku 297

Captcha. What is the
proof we are human? Copy,
love, reproduce, die.

Nu Haiku 296

Stumble upon dot
com, one word dot com, dear meat
dot com, tumblr dot...

Nu Haiku 295

San nak ji: hacked off
live octopus tentacles
grasp your mouth, tongue, throat.

Nu Haiku 294

The ships that hold us:
our relationships, friendships,
and companionships.

(Thank you Nicole!)